UX Case Study - Plumbing App

Scope: Explore how the first of its kind plumbing app can leverge both plumbing businesses and their clients (users).
Deliverables: Research. Strategy. User Flow. Lo-fi. Hi-Fi. Prototype.


Challenge: To understand how plumbers can benefit from the app with time saving strategies. Discover how users can troubleshoot.

Process: For the initial research, I went straight to source by asking both plumbers and users how an app would benefit them. Secondary research has been collated from AI. These points were prioritised, condensed and then analysed in importance of business and importance of users. These have been generated into an affinity map below and validated by both plumbing businesses and users.

Affinity Mapping


Based on the study, here are the condensed points in ascending order of priority for both the businesses and users:

  • Appointment scheduling - calender slots, services needed, payment in advance
  • Quote requests - upload photo/video, descibe issues in detail, estimated cost/time
  • Comprehensive list of plumbing services with descriptions and pricing, contact form
  • Troubleshooting guide for users, common problems, DIY guides
  • Tips and advice - user maintenance plumbing systems, preventing common issues, articles/videos/infographics
  • Too much info in sections

  • User Flow

    I will focus on only the Quote Requests pathway as a demostration or preview of the showcase example. This is purely so that this particular showcase doesn't get too long and in-depth. The user persona for this demonstration is incredibly vast, one particular plumbing company I am liasing with has a proportional client base averaging across a 20 year span, and by this generational word-of-mouth start to the company, it is now time to expand on personas with a digital presence that is inclusive of new home owners, and various generations of people. Everyone and anyone can require a plumber.

    Low-Fidelity Designs

    Looking into the needs of other personas

    By focussing on the Quote Requests section, I was able to propose a time-saving methodology for both the user and the company which involves the user describing a plumbing issue that they have via the app, with the option to upload an image or video, so that an estimated cost and time can be provided by the company.

    Style Guide

    Font-family: Anuphan (100, 600)
    Hex colours: #FFFFFF, #000000, #D8D8D8,#3D49E7

    High-Fidelity Designs

    I have included fully responsive previews, which is inclusive of the future prospect of becoming available on the web as well as just a mobile application.


    The initial landing design that I have prototyped is inclusive of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

    See the Pen Drop Prototype by Aton (@atonsolutions) on CodePen.
